JProf. Simon Hen­sel­lek von der Fakul­tät Wirt­schafts­wis­sen­schaf­ten hat gemein­sam mit Prof. David Ben­dig und Dr. Juli­an Schul­te von der Uni­ver­si­tät Müns­ter unter­sucht, wel­che Aus­wir­kun­gen unter­neh­me­ri­sche Inves­ti­tio­nen auf die Pro­dukt­si­cher­heit haben. Ihre Ergeb­nis­se haben sie kürz­lich in der renom­mier­ten Fach­zeit­schrift „Entre­pre­neur­ship Theo­ry and Prac­ti­ce“ veröffentlicht.

Quel­le: Vom Nut­zen und Scha­den unter­neh­me­ri­scher Investments

Despi­te gro­wing num­bers of cor­po­ra­te ven­ture capi­tal (CVC) deals and alli­ances, their effec­ti­ve­ness is not gua­ran­teed. This paper inves­ti­ga­tes the posi­ti­ve and nega­ti­ve impacts of CVC and alli­ance acti­vi­ty on pro­duct safe­ty under dif­fe­rent levels of mar­ket tur­bu­lence. Using a resour­ce-based lear­ning per­spec­ti­ve and panel data from lar­ge U.S. firms, we find that both CVC and alli­ance acti­vi­ty have inver­ted U‑shaped rela­ti­onships with pro­duct recall likeli­hood. Mar­ket tur­bu­lence mode­ra­tes both rela­ti­onships, but dif­fer­ent­ly. We dis­cuss how lear­ning theo­ry com­ple­ments the resour­ce-based view to under­stand why no or rather bold exter­nal ven­tu­ring are less harmful than small-sca­le “stuck-in-the-midd­le” initiatives.

Quel­le: Bene­fi­ci­al, Harmful, or Both? Effects of Cor­po­ra­te Ven­ture Capi­tal and Alli­ance Acti­vi­ty on Pro­duct Recalls