Getting your Trinity Audio player ready...

Von Ralf Keuper

Die Spe­ku­la­tio­nen dar­über, ob Face­book dem­nächst als Voll­bank auf­tritt, haben für gewöhn­lich einen Unter­hal­tungs­wert, der dem der Zeit­an­sa­ge bedenk­lich nahe kommt – womit ich kei­nes­wegs etwas gegen die Zeit­an­sa­ge gesagt haben möch­te. Die Infor­ma­tio­nen, die man dort bekommt, sind ver­läss­lich, was heut­zu­ta­ge kei­ne Selbst­ver­ständ­lich­keit ist 😉

Der Bei­trag Ali­bay, DACS and the Non-Bank of Face­book ist da eine erfreu­li­che Aus­nah­me. Bei dem Autor han­delt es sich um Eric Van der Kley von Level39, also von jeman­den, der weiß, wovon er spricht. Ohne in jedem Punkt mit ihm über­ein­zu­stim­men, erschei­nen mir fol­gen­de Aus­sa­gen nachdenkenswert:

Face­book to beco­me THE non-bank bank

Major social media plat­forms like Face­book, Insta­gram, Twit­ter, Wechat,and even Whats­app have the poten­ti­al to offer finan­cial ser­vices pro­ducts in a way that is tail­o­red to our spe­ci­fic needs and de-ris­ked in a way that has pre­vious­ly not been pos­si­ble. As the­se plat­forms can access such rich data, they could com­pu­te the life­time value of a port­fo­lio of finan­cial pro­ducts, infor­med by our spen­ding pat­terns, by the week-to-week, year-by-year calen­dar of our dis­posable inco­me and the beha­viou­ral traits that deter­mi­ne our abili­ty to save or ser­vice our debts. And, they could even extend the­se pro­ducts to our fami­lies and com­mu­ni­ties, at a poten­ti­al­ly lower rate due to a ‘com­mu­ni­ty risk’ profile.

Ali­bay the dis­rup­ti­ve titan

A deca­de ago Sean Park, aut­hor of the influ­en­ti­al Park Para­digm blog, moo­ted the spaw­ning of Ama­zon­Bay, a fic­tion­al glo­bal finan­cial mar­ket exch­an­ge for­med from the mer­ger of Ebay and Ama­zon. Park, who went on to co-found Ant­he­mis Group, the digi­tal finan­cial ser­vices inves­tor and advi­so­ry com­pa­ny, saw the poten­ti­al for a two tril­li­on dol­lar orga­ni­sa­ti­on sur­pas­sing all others in sca­le and dis­rup­ti­ve capa­bi­li­ty. Ama­zon­Bay, the world’s lar­gest cor­po­ra­ti­on by mar­ket capi­ta­li­sa­ti­on, was to be many things, acqui­ring les­ser tra­ding exch­an­ges and vir­tu­al eco­no­mies and crea­ting a plat­form for the kind of big-time finan­cial inter­me­dia­ti­on pre­vious­ly the pre­ser­ve of the invest­ment banks.

DAOs and DACs: a poten­ti­al anti­do­te to inef­fi­ci­en­cy and the unwel­co­me effects of greed

… if we think about smart con­tracts being com­pu­ter pro­to­cols that faci­li­ta­te, veri­fy, or enforce legal con­tracts or rights, they can easi­ly emu­la­te the logic of con­trac­tu­al clau­ses, with the capa­ci­ty to make them self-exe­cu­ting or self-enfor­cing when cer­tain con­di­ti­ons are met. Argu­ab­ly, they can be more secu­re than tra­di­tio­nal con­tract law. If you then com­bi­ne the poten­ti­al­ly incor­rup­ti­ble rigour of smart con­tracts with the tran­sac­tion­al trans­pa­ren­cy enab­led by block­chain tech­no­lo­gy, the pos­si­bi­li­ty, and inde­ed bene­fits, of DACs starts to emer­ge. Block­chains bring a level of trans­pa­ren­cy and resi­li­ence to tran­sac­tions that were pre­vious­ly opaque. And it isn’t neces­s­a­ri­ly Arti­fi­ci­al Intel­li­gence we should fear. Until AI rea­ches the point of cri­mi­nal self-awa­re­ness, it’s hard to see a com­pu­ter com­mit­ting grand sca­le finan­cial fraud or mani­pu­la­ting libor.

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