Key takea­ways

  • Toke­ni­s­ing claims invol­ves trans­forming them into tokens on a com­mon pro­gramma­ble plat­form that
    com­bi­ne a core lay­er, which con­ta­ins infor­ma­ti­on about the toke­nis­ed asset and its owner­ship, with a
    ser­vice lay­er embed­ding the platform’s rules and governance.
  • Toke­nisa­ti­on enables the auto­ma­ti­on of tran­sac­tions invol­ving money as well as finan­cial and real
    assets, ope­ning the way to the con­tin­gent trans­fer of claims and com­bi­na­ti­ons of tran­sac­tions via smart
  • Eco­no­mic, legal and tech­ni­cal chal­lenges span a “toke­nisa­ti­on con­tin­u­üm” which descri­bes the fea­si­bi­li­ty of toke­ni­s­ing tra­di­tio­nal assets; gains are mode­st whe­re toke­nisa­ti­on is easie­st but the most valuable gains would invol­ve the lar­gest challenges.

Quel­le: The toke­nisa­ti­on continuüm