Getting your Trinity Audio player ready...
Von Ralf Keuper
Anbei eine Liste von Meldungen aus dem Bereich Banking, die mir in dieser Woche besonders ins Auge gefallen sind:
Banking Allgemein
- Italien drängt heimische Banken zu Fusionen
- Banken schließen Zweigstellen: Nach dem Filialsterben kommt die Handy-Bank
- Studie von JP Morgan: Banken brauchen weitere Milliarden
- Stanford prof explains ‘What’s Wrong With Banking and What to Do About It’
- It’s Like PayPal But Pays Interest, and India’s Banks Are Afraid
- Wann greifen Apple und Google die Fondsbranche an?
Banking Innovation
- Paytm Introduces Offline Transaction
- Enter Samsung Pay? Smartphone giant seeks mobile payments spark
- Opening M‑Pesa’s Potential For B2B mPayments
- Android Pay ist gestartet
- Banks not ready to meet customer needs for mobile payments: report
Digitale Währungen / Blockchain
- Blockchain Technology Could Soon Be Verifying Real Estate Records
- Westpac Chief Hails Bitcoin as “Potentially Disruptive” Technology
- AXA Eyeing Bitcoin for Remittance Market
- Blockchain startups promises a world where no one is in charge
- New Applications for Bitcoin’s Blockchain Technology
- Blockchain Insurance Solution Wins Consensus 2015 Makeathon
Core Banking / Bankensoftware