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Von Ralf Keuper
Diese Kooperation hat Gewicht: Wie in Google, Facebook, Microsoft, and Twitter partner for ambitious new data project berichtet wird, arbeiten die Internetkonzerne an einem gemeinsamen Standard für den Datenaustausch bzw. die Datenportabilität.
In dem Whitepaper des gemeinsamen Data Transfer Project heisst es im Abstract:
The Data Transfer Project (DTP) extends data portability beyond a user’s ability to download a copy of their data from their service provider (“provider”), to providing the user the ability to initiate a direct transfer of their data into and out of any participating provider.
The Data Transfer Project is an open source initiative to encourage participation of as many providers as possible. The DTP will enhance the data portability ecosystem by reducing the infrastructure burden on both providers and users, which should in turn increase the number of services offering portability. The protocols and methodology of the DTP enable direct, service-to-service data transfer with streamlined engineering work.
Ziel ist es, einen De-facto-Standard zu schaffen.
Ein Anwendungsfall:
An industry association for supermarkets wan…