Getting your Trinity Audio player ready...

Von Ralf Keuper

Die­se Koope­ra­ti­on hat Gewicht: Wie in Goog­le, Face­book, Micro­soft, and Twit­ter part­ner for ambi­tious new data pro­ject berich­tet wird, arbei­ten die Inter­net­kon­zer­ne an einem gemein­sa­men Stan­dard für den Daten­aus­tausch bzw. die Datenportabilität.

In dem White­pa­per des gemein­sa­men Data Trans­fer Pro­ject heisst es im Abstract:

The Data Trans­fer Pro­ject (DTP) extends data por­ta­bi­li­ty bey­ond a user’s abili­ty to down­load a copy of their data from their ser­vice pro­vi­der (“pro­vi­der”), to pro­vi­ding the user the abili­ty to initia­te a direct trans­fer of their data into and out of any par­ti­ci­pa­ting provider.

The Data Trans­fer Pro­ject is an open source initia­ti­ve to encou­ra­ge par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on of as many pro­vi­ders as pos­si­ble. The DTP will enhan­ce the data por­ta­bi­li­ty eco­sys­tem by redu­cing the infra­struc­tu­re bur­den on both pro­vi­ders and users, which should in turn increase the num­ber of ser­vices offe­ring por­ta­bi­li­ty. The pro­to­cols and metho­do­lo­gy of the DTP enable direct, ser­vice-to-ser­vice data trans­fer with stream­li­ned engi­nee­ring work.

Ziel ist es, einen De-fac­to-Stan­dard zu schaffen.

Ein Anwen­dungs­fall:

An indus­try asso­cia­ti­on for super­mar­kets wan…