Getting your Trinity Audio player ready...

Von Ralf Keuper

Die Über­tra­gung von aus der Bio­lo­gie stam­men­den Begrif­fen auf die Wirt­schaft führt rasch zum Ver­gleich von Äpfeln mit Bir­nen [1]Ban­king trifft Evo­lu­ti­ons­theo­rie #1. Beson­ders häu­fig wer­den Begrif­fe wie Evo­lu­ti­on, Öko­sys­tem und DNA verwendet.

Eine der weni­gen Ver­öf­fent­li­chun­gen, die einen durch­aus krea­ti­ven Gebrauch von dem Begriffs­re­per­toire der Bio­lo­gie macht, ist The future ban­king eco­sys­tem Evo­lu­ti­on and inno­va­ti­on in the digi­tal era von Microsoft.

IN NATURE, ADAPTIVE DYNAMICS refers to the intro­duc­tion of new spe­ci­es into what was pre­vious­ly a sta­ble eco­sys­tem. This can lead to dra­stic change—new ent­rants have fun­da­men­tal­ly dif­fe­rent traits, often dis­pla­cing or caus­ing the extinc­tion of nati­ve spe­ci­es. Finan­cial insti­tu­ti­ons find them­sel­ves in a simi­lar envi­ron­ment: new com­pe­ti­tors are chal­len­ging ortho­do­xies and rewri­ting the estab­lished rules that have long gover­ned the ban­king land­scape. This has occur­red in many other indus­tries: who could have fore­seen the hos­pi­ta­li­ty or trans­por­ta­ti­on indus­tries upset so abrupt­ly by a cou­ple of user fri­end­ly apps and well-desi­gned plat­forms, like Airbnb or Uber? Or that the venerable news­pa­per indu…
