Com­pe­ti­ti­on aut­ho­ri­ties are incre­asing­ly con­cer­ned that their tools are not fit to deal with mar­kets with digi­tal mul­ti-sided plat­forms (MSPs). The­se mar­kets have a ten­den­cy to ‘tip’ in the sen­se that one MSP takes it all or domi­na­tes the mar­ket by far. …

Quelle/​Link: When Do Mar­kets Tip? An Over­view and Some Insights for Policy

Wei­te­re Informationen:

Wie kön­nen wir digi­ta­le Markt­mo­no­po­le stop­pen? Neue For­schung der ESMT Ber­lin lie­fert wich­ti­ge Erkennt­nis­se für Politik