Von Ralf Keuper
Zu den Ban­ken, die das Poten­zi­al der Digi­ta­len Iden­ti­tä­ten erkannt haben, zählt die Schwei­zer UBS. In dem aktu­el­len White­pa­per Digi­tal Iden­ti­ty wird der aktu­el­le Stand bei der Ver­brei­tung digi­ta­ler Iden­ti­tä­ten beleuch­tet. Unbe­ha­gen berei­tet den Autoren das Sam­meln per­so­nen­be­zo­ge­ner Daten im Inter­net und die Zunah­me von Daten­pan­nen und Daten­dieb­stäh­len. Damit stei­ge die Ver­ant­wor­tung der Unter­neh­men beim Schutz der Kundendaten: 

Today we are used to com­pa­nies wan­ting to coll­ect as much infor­ma­ti­on about us as pos­si­ble. Data brea­ches in an incre­asing­ly digi­tal eco­no­my may, para­do­xi­cal­ly, rever­se this trend. Com­pa­nies that coll­ect data on us could be man­da­ted by law to keep it secu­re, and be held lia­ble if they can­not. That could turn per­so­nal data into both an asset and a lia­bi­li­ty that, far from coll­ec­ting, com­pa­nies may look to offload.


As com­pa­nies coll­ect more infor­ma­ti­on about us, the­re is a grea­ter chan­ce that spu­rious data enters their sys­tems wit­hout our know­ledge, erro­n­eous­ly influen­cing their decis­i­ons. We can expect this to lead to more and more pro­blems for con­su­mers, and so dri­ve calls for more con­trol by indi­vi­du­als over their data. We think it likely that awa­re­ness of digi­tal iden­ti­ty issues will increase calls for pri­va­cy and anony­mi­ty online, along with increased ease in sha­ring iden­ti­ty attri­bu­tes when desired.

Dar­aus erge­ben sich Chan­cen für Anbie­ter, die sich als Trus­ted Ser­vice Pro­vi­der verstehen: 
We can ima­gi­ne spe­cia­list firms ari­sing to pro­vi­de it, or exis­ting trus­ted sources – banks, for ins­tance – adding atte­sta­ti­on as a ser­vice. This could in turn lead to a mar­ket­place in which attes­ters com­pe­te with each other, with the com­pe­ti­ti­on fur­the­ring tech­no­lo­gi­cal pro­gress. 

We can also fore­see a num­ber of spe­cia­list ancil­la­ry iden­ti­ty ser­vices. For exam­p­le, we might see the rise of iden­ti­ty bro­kers that assist users in mana­ging their iden­ti­ties, per­haps by hel­ping them aggre­ga­te their iden­ti­ty data and use it in dif­fe­rent con­texts. Such bro­kers might also help pro­tect users of iden­ti­ty by kee­ping up-to-date details of relia­ble iden­ti­ty attes­ters. Fur­ther­mo­re, such bro­kers may beco­me the makers of iden­ti­ty marketplaces.

Die Zukunft könn­te den self-sove­reign iden­ti­ty plat­forms gehö­ren, die wie­der­um Ähn­lich­keit mit der Idee einer Per­so­nal Data Bank haben: 

In such a self-sove­reign iden­ti­ty plat­form, the indi­vi­du­al takes on the role of iden­ti­ty pro­vi­der, coll­ec­ting all of his or her available atte­sta­ti­ons and attri­bu­tes, and kee­ping them in a digi­tal vault or other sys­tem (simi­lar to the way we keep our pass­ports and birth cer­ti­fi­ca­tes at home in safe places). We alre­a­dy have tech­no­lo­gy and tech­ni­ques that could make such sys­tems via­ble, for exam­p­le, UBS Safe. Through cryp­to­gra­phic means, for exam­p­le, we can safe­ly store and share atte­sta­ti­ons while ensu­ring that they can’t be fal­si­fied or misused.

Ban­ken genie­ßen bei den Kun­den nach wie vor gro­ßes Ver­trau­en in Fra­gen des Daten­schut­zes. Ban­ken könn­ten daher in der Daten­öko­no­mie, neben ande­ren Akteu­ren, eine füh­ren­de Rol­le spielen:

This is not to say that we think banks should be the sole pro­vi­ders of iden­ti­ty plat­forms; quite the con­tra­ry. But as we work towards a digi­tal iden­ti­ty future, banks can sup­p­ly their exper­ti­se and infra­struc­tu­re. We think that banks are also in a posi­ti­on to take on a num­ber of roles in a digi­tal eco­no­my, for exam­p­le as iden­ti­ty attes­ters or iden­ti­ty safe­guar­ders, that go bey­ond tra­di­tio­nal finan­cial services.

Dass die UBS es nicht nur bei der Theo­rie belässt, zeigt die Mel­dung, wonach UBS, CS und Swiss­com an einer Alter­na­ti­ve zur Suiss­eID arbei­ten. Nach Ansicht des Por­tals ISO-20022.CH sei die Zeit reif für die Digi­tal ID, wie sie UBS, CS und Swiss­com planen. 

Cross­post von Daten­öko­no­mie-Blog 

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