In this epi­so­de, we speak with Andrew Black, Mana­ging Direc­tor of Con­nec­tID, which is part of Aus­tra­li­an Pay­ments Plus. Andrew, who is an expert in the con­ver­gence of IDtech and open ban­king, sheds light on a uni­que approach to buil­ding bank-backed digi­tal iden­ti­ty and the user expe­ri­ence that it enables. It was fasci­na­ting to unpack the role gover­nan­ce plays in Con­nec­tID with some tan­gi­ble examp­les, and ana­ly­ze how the UX of an iden­ti­ty exch­an­ge dif­fers from that of an iden­ti­ty wallet.