Von Ralf Keuper

Das Onboar­ding von Unter­neh­men bzw. juris­ti­schen Per­so­nen gestal­tet sich in der Pra­xis, d.h. vor allem bei den Finanz­in­sti­tu­ten, schwie­rig. Grund dafür ist, dass es bis heu­te kei­nen all­ge­mein akzep­tier­ten Stan­dard-Iden­ti­fier gibt, wie die Glo­bal Legal Enti­ty Iden­ti­fier Foun­da­ti­on (GLEIF) in ihrem Paper A New Future for Legal Enti­ty Iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on moniert.

Die Ban­ken ver­wen­den beim Onboar­ding eines Unter­neh­mens­kun­den häu­fig 4 ver­schie­de­ne Iden­ti­fier, um die Iden­ti­tät zwei­fels­frei fest­stel­len zu kön­nen. Man­che Ban­ken benut­zen sogar noch mehr:

Per­haps the key fin­ding in our rese­arch, from which all other lines can be drawn, is the simp­le fact that finan­cial insti­tu­ti­ons are using an avera­ge of four iden­ti­fier to accu­ra­te­ly iden­ti­fy and crosscheck new legal enti­tes throug­hout the cli­ent rela­ti­ons­on­ship. And appro­xi­m­ate­ly one-third of respond­ents reve­al that they’re actual­ly using a com­bi­na on of five or more iden­ti­fiers.

Das führt zu inkon­sis­ten­ten Daten und zu einer lan­gen Bearbeitungsdauer.

it takes an avera­ge of six to seven weeks to onboard a new legal Enti­ty, with six in ten seni­or sale­s­peo­p­le spen­ding more than 1.5 days per week on tasks rela­ted to onboar­ding. It’s worth not­ing, too, that an avera­ge of 25% of the onboar­ding pro­cess invol­ves manu­al tasks, often being under­ta­ken by seni­or mem­bers of the team.

Mit der fort­schrei­ten­den Digi­ta­li­sie­rung, ver­bun­den mit dem Ein­satz neu­er Tech­no­lo­gien aus dem Umfeld der Bio­me­trie, Künst­li­chen Intel­li­genz wie auch der Block­chain, ver­schärft sich die Situation.

61% of our respond­ents belie­ve that the growth of digi­tal solu­ti­ons will actual­ly make iden­ti­ty veri­fi­ca­ti­on more dif­fi­cult, sim­ply becau­se it’ll mean a rise in the num­ber of legal enti­ties tran­sac­ted with.

Als Lösung bie­tet sich der Glo­bal LEI Index an:

The Glo­bal LEI Index is the only glo­bal online source that pro­vi­des open, stan­dar­di­zed and high qua­li­ty legal Enti­ty refe­rence data. Each LEI con­ta­ins infor­ma­ti­on about an entity’s owner­ship struc­tu­re and thus ans­wers the ques ons of ‘who is who’ and ‘who owns whom’ among mar­ket participants.

LEI codes offer busi­nesses a stan­dar­di­zed, one-stop approach to iden­ti­ty­ing legal enti­ties, which has the poten­ti­al to take the com­ple­xi­ty out of busi­ness tran­sac­tions. With LEIs, key refe­rence infor­ma­ti­on is con­nec­ted by a 20-digit alpha­nu­me­ric code, enab­ling quick, con­sis­tent, accu­ra­te iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on on of the legal enti­ties taking part in finan­cial tran­sac­tions, and making time-con­sum­ing, incon­sis­tent iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on pro­ces­ses a thing of the past. The pro­blems asso­cia­ted with using mul­ti­ple iden­ti­fiers, out­lined ear­lier in this report, along with the con­cern that intro­du­cing digi­tal tech­no­lo­gies won’t neces­s­a­ri­ly make life easier, are both taken care of.

In The digi­tal iden­ti­ty of legal enti­ties: Cur­rent sta­tus and the way for­ward hebt Gerard Hart­sink die Vor­tei­le des Glo­bal LEI Indi­ces hervor:

To over­co­me the data-qua­li­ty chal­lenges in the sup­p­ly chain, the LEI could add value for all par­ties enga­ged in com­mer­cial tran­sac­tions. The­re is no other glo­bal, open legal enti­ty iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on sys­tem with such a strict régime of regu­lar data veri­fi­ca­ti­on to ensu­re the high qua­li­ty of its data. The LEI data record also gives insight on the natio­nal busi­ness regis­tra­ti­on num­ber in addi­ti­on to the direct and/​or ulti­ma­te parents—if available—of that legal entity.

Ein The­ma, das uns auf die­sem Blog noch häu­fi­ger beschäf­ti­gen wird.

Cross­post von Iden­ti­ty Economy