Von Ralf Keuper

Momen­tan wird an vie­len Stel­len an der Visi­on einer Block­chain-Bank gear­bei­tet. Aktu­ells­tes Bei­spiel ist Deloit­te mit einer Block­chain-Modell­bank auf Basis von Ethe­re­um, wor­über in Deloit­te to build Ethe­re­um-based ‘digi­tal bank’ with New York City’s Con­sen­Sys berich­tet wird. Part­ner sind neben Con­sen­Sys u.a. Block­Cy­pher, Bloq, Loy­y­al (Ribbit.me) und Stel­lar.

Über das Frame­work heisst es in dem Beitrag:

By using block­chain tech­no­lo­gy, the new digi­tal ban­king frame­work will allow sys­tems to be deve­lo­ped that can inter­act more relia­bly and secu­re­ly, said the firms. Other are­as of focus by the two firms will include crea­ting inno­va­tions in the asset manage­ment and col­la­te­ral manage­ment space, lin­king block­chain and Inter­net of Things to pro­vi­de real time data and insights on phy­si­cal assets, as well as exten­ding efforts around digi­tal iden­ti­ty to form the foun­da­ti­on of a new core-ban­king digi­tal pro­ducts and finan­cial transactions.

Fast zeit­gleich gab Deloit­te den Launch eines Digi­tal Iden­ti­ty – Pro­to­ty­pen auf Basis der Block­chain bekannt.

Deloit­te schreibt dazu:

The Smart Iden­ti­ty solu­ti­on will allow users to crea­te and con­trol all aspects of their digi­tal iden­ti­ty within a high­ly struc­tu­red and…

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