Von Ralf Keuper

Kann die Block­chain die hoch gesteck­ten bzw. hoch gezüch­te­ten Erwar­tun­gen über­haupt noch erfül­len? Zwei­fel sind angebracht.

Die Zukunft der Block­chain könn­te recht pro­fan aus­fal­len, wie Sid­dha­rth Kalia in Block­chain Is Sup­po­sed to Work in the Back­ground erläutert.

Er schreibt:

Howe­ver, loo­king at block­chain as an appli­ca­ti­on that sol­ves some imme­dia­te busi­ness need may turn out to be a mista­ke in the long-run evo­lu­ti­on of this tech­no­lo­gy. It is more plau­si­ble that the tech­no­lo­gy will evol­ve in a way that makes the block­chain a pro­to­col lay­er, on which indi­vi­du­al appli­ca­ti­ons are then built. Such a sys­tem would be pre­fera­ble in a glo­bal mar­ket­place whe­re no finan­cial insti­tu­ti­on has to play in a sys­tem built by a com­pe­ti­tor. It would also be pre­fer­red by regu­la­tors, becau­se it stan­dar­di­zes appli­ca­ti­ons and smart con­tracts, thus making it easier to moni­tor sys­te­mic risks.

Wie schon ande­re Autoren vor ihm, stellt Kalia fes…

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