Getting your Trinity Audio player ready...
Von Ralf Keuper
Dass die Blockchain noch nicht alle Wünsche und Erwartungen erfüllen kann, räumen selbst die größten Enthusiasten ein; jedoch nicht ohne die Bemerkung hinzuzufügen, es sei nur eine Frage der Zeit, bis alle Restriktionen, insbesondere die technischen, überwunden sind.
Nicht alle indes teilen diese Sicht, so wie das Open Data Institute in dem Report Applying blockchain technology in global data infrastructure.
Die Autoren bringen ihre Haltung im Executive Summary zum Ausdruck:
We conclude that distributed ledgers are a potentially important area of technology, but that we must avoid being swept up by ‘blockchain hype’, and remember to focus on solid user needs first, before we choose the technology that we will use.
Weiterhin halten die Autoren fest:
At its heart, a blockchain is simply a new kind of database, with a unique set of properties. Rather than being stored in a single location, this database is shared across the Internet, with many people holding a copy of it. The synchronisation between all these different copies – so that there is still a single recognised truth – is one of the unique aspects of blockchain tech…