Von Ralf Keuper

Mas­ter­card befin­det sich auf dem Weg zum glo­ba­len Iden­ti­ty-Pro­vi­der. Nach Aus­tra­li­en führt das Kre­dit­kar­ten­un­ter­neh­men nun auch in Nord­ma­ze­do­ni­en ein Pilot­pro­jekt durch (Vgl. dazu: Mastercard’s Pro­ducts for Iden­ti­ty and Authen­ti­ca­ti­on Con­ti­nue to Gain Govern­ment Adop­ti­on & Repu­blic of North Mace­do­nia, Mas­ter­card Design Natio­nal Digi­tal Iden­ti­ty Ser­vice to Help Grow Digi­tal Eco­no­my).

Zum Pilot­pro­jekt in Nordmazedonien: 

The part­ner­ship is inten­ded to bring local digi­tal iden­ti­ty and rela­ted ser­vices – like digi­tal docu­ment sig­ning and veri­fi­ca­ti­on – that citi­zens of North Mace­do­nia can use across a num­ber of day-to-day acti­vi­ties. Among the first appli­ca­ti­ons are elec­tro­nic “Know Your Cus­to­mer” acti­vi­ties to sup­port remo­te ope­ning for new bank accounts, wit­hout visi­ting a branch in per­son, and new pre­paid and post­paid mobi­le pho­ne accounts. …

This first-of-its-kind effort will build on the recent­ly crea­ted digi­tal iden­ti­ty regu­la­ti­ons in North Mace­do­nia and broa­der Euro­pean eIDAS (elec­tro­nic iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on, authen­ti­ca­ti­on and trust ser­vices) stan­dards. Once laun­ched, it will also enable seam­less digi­tal inter­ac­tions bet­ween busi­nesses and govern­ment agen­ci­es across the regi­on and around the globe. …

The part­ner­ship will pro­mo­te open col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with govern­ments, banks, mobi­le net­work ope­ra­tors, uni­ver­si­ties and other part­ners to shape the ser­vices. In addi­ti­on to the digi­tal iden­ti­ty ser­vice, Mas­ter­card will also sup­port other e‑government initia­ti­ves and pro­mo­te rela­ted best prac­ti­ces from other geographies.

Der­weil ist in Schott­land ein ver­gleich­ba­res Pilot­pro­jekt gestar­tet (Vgl. dazu: Digi­tal Iden­ti­ty Scot­land beg­ins pro­to­ty­pe pro­ject). Dort ver­folgt man eine Attribute-Strategy 

This would make use of the attri­bu­tes of an iden­ti­ty – such as name, address, date of birth and pos­si­bly bio­me­trics – for dif­fe­rent ser­vices as appropriate.