Von Ralf Keuper

In einem Paper, das von drei Mit­ar­bei­tern von face­book Novi ver­fasst wur­de, wird ein Zah­lungs­sys­tem namens Fast­Pay vor­ge­stellt, das Trans­ak­tio­nen sie­ben­mal so schnell abwi­ckeln soll wie Visa[1]Face­book claims its pro­po­sed pay­ments net­work is 7 times fas­ter than Visa’s.

Mit Fast­Pay will face­book die Schwä­chen bestehen­der sowie block­chain-basier­ter Zah­lungs­netz­wer­ke lösen bzw. umgehen.

The per­for­mance and robust­ness of Fast­Pay is bey­ond and abo­ve the sta­te of the art, and vali­da­tes that moving away from both cen­tra­li­zed solu­ti­ons and full con­sen­sus to mana­ge pre-fun­ded retail pay­ments has signi­fi­cant advan­ta­ges. Aut­ho­ri­ties can joint­ly pro­cess tens of thou­sands of tran­sac­tions per second (we obser­ved a peak of 160,000 tx/​sec) using mere­ly com­mo­di­ty hard­ware and lean software.


A pay­ment con­fir­ma­ti­on laten­cy of less than 200ms bet­ween con­ti­nents make Fast­Pay prac­ti­cal for point of sale pay­ments— whe­re goods and ser­vices need to be deli­ver­ed fast and in per­son. Pret­ty much instant sett­le­ment enables retail pay­ments to be freed from inter­me­dia­ries, such as banks pay­ment net­works, sin­ce they eli­mi­na­te any cre­dit risk inher­ent in defer­red net­ted end-of-day pay­ments, that under­pin today most natio­nal Fast Pay­ment systems.

Eine Kom­bi­na­ti­on mit Digi­ta­len Wäh­run­gen ist möglich:

Fast­Pay can be used as a side chain of any cryp­to-cur­ren­cy with reasonable fina­li­ty gua­ran­tees, and suf­fi­ci­ent pro­gramma­bi­li­ty. As com­pared to bila­te­ral pay­ment chan­nels it is supe­ri­or in that it allows users to pay anyo­ne in the sys­tem wit­hout locking liqui­di­ty into the bila­te­ral chan­nel, and is ful­ly asyn­chro­no­us. .. . As com­pared to tra­di­tio­nal pay­ment chan­nel net­works (such as the light­ing net­work. Fast­Pay is simp­ler and does not requi­re com­plex path fin­ding algorithms.

Mit Fast­Pay dürf­te face­book die Absicht ver­fol­gen, sei­ner eige­nen digi­ta­len Wäh­rung LIbra den Weg zu ebnen. Ein klu­ger Schachzug.