This stu­dy, pre­pared by Poli­cy Depart­ment A, sets out recent deve­lo­p­ments regar­ding cryp­to-assets. The­se rela­te main­ly to the con­ti­nuing use of cryp­to-assets for money laun­de­ring and ter­ro­rist finan­cing, the mas­si­ve growth of pri­va­te “tokens” used to rai­se funds, and to the emer­gence of sta­ble coins and cen­tral bank digi­tal cur­ren­ci­es. The stu­dy, fur­ther­mo­re, addres­ses key regu­la­to­ry con­cerns, taking into account the­se recent deve­lo­p­ments, and sug­gests regu­la­to­ry responses.

Quel­le /​ Link: Cryp­to-assets. Key developments,regulatory con­cerns and responses