Von Ralf Keuper

Seit eini­ger Zeit gibt es Bestre­bun­gen, das Cre­dit Scoring zu moder­ni­sie­ren und an den digi­ta­len All­tag der Kun­den anzu­pas­sen. Bei­spiel­haft dafür sind affirm, Kre­di­te­ch, Big Data Scoring und bonify.

Einen Schritt wei­ter geht Bloom mit sei­nem Bloom Pro­to­col – Decen­tra­li­zed cre­dit scoring powered by Ethe­re­um and IPFS.

Zur Phi­lo­so­phie:

Bloom is a stan­dar­di­zed, pro­gramma­ble eco­sys­tem to faci­li­ta­te on-demand, secu­re, and glo­bal access to cre­dit ser­vices. Bloom pres­ents a novel approach to cre­dit risk assess­ment allo­wing both tra­di­tio­nal fiat len­ders and digi­tal asset len­ders to issue com­pli­ant loans on the block­chain while incre­asing com­pe­ti­ti­on to lower fees and impro­ve bor­rower expe­ri­ence at every lay­er of the cre­dit issu­an­ce process.

Die drei Hauptbestandteile: 

1. Bloo­mID (Iden­ti­ty Atte­sta­ti­on): Bloo­mID crea­tes a glo­bal secu­re iden­ti­ty, allo­wing len­ders to offer com­pli­ant loans glo­bal­ly, wit­hout for­cing bor­ro­wers to expo­se per­so­nal information.

2. Bloo­mIQ (Cre­dit Regis­try): Bloo­mIQ is a sys­tem for report­ing and track­ing cur­rent and his­to­ri­cal debt obli­ga­ti­ons that are tied to a user’s BloomID.

3. BloomScore (Cre­dit Scoring): The BloomScore is a metric of con­su­mers’ cre­dit­wort­hi­ness. This decen­tra­li­zed score is simi­lar to FICO or Van­ta­geScore score, but with updated models. …

Der Kre­dit­ver­ga­be bzw. Risikoprozess

1. Loan ori­gi­na­tor crea­tes con­tract detail­ing the amount of the loan, the repay­ment sche­du­le, and the requi­re­ments of the risk assessment

2. User reviews and agrees to the contract

3. Exter­nal attes­ters and sta­kers agree to veri­fy iden­ti­ty and cre­dit­wort­hi­ness based on loan originator’s set of desi­red attes­ters and stakers

4. Orga­niza­ti­ons update con­tracts with per­so­nal­ly iden­ti­fia­ble infor­ma­ti­on (PII) requi­re­ments that they need to ful­fill atte­sta­ti­ons such as “name”, “address”, “date of birth”

5. User atta­ches encrypt­ed details for each attes­ter and sta­ker to their Bloo­mID con­tract using the public keys of the respec­ti­ve parties

6. Iden­ti­ty veri­fier attests to the user’s pro­vi­ded data

7. RiskCo pays alter­na­ti­ve data pro­vi­der (Tel­co) for anony­mi­zed tran­sac­tion history

8. RiskCo uses addi­tio­nal pay­ment histo­ry infor­ma­ti­on to deci­de whe­ther to sta­ke user

9. Requi­re­ments all met. Bor­rower can with­draw cre­di­ted funds

Wesent­li­ches Ele­ment ist die Digi­ta­le Iden­ti­tät, hier die Bloom ID, der Nut­zer. Wir wer­den in Zukunft noch wei­te­re Model­le sehen, die nach ähn­li­chen Prin­zi­pi­en arbei­ten. Bloom könn­te eines der füh­ren­den wer­den. Das klas­si­sche Cre­dit Scoring könn­te dadurch ersetzt, zumin­dest jedoch ergänzt wer­den. Das Cre­dit Scoring wird Bestand­teil eines grö­ße­ren Öko­sys­tems, des­sen Zen­trum die Digi­ta­len Iden­ti­tä­ten sein werden.

Iden­tiy is the new money (David Birch).

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