Getting your Trinity Audio player ready...

Von Ralf Keuper 

Dass die Nie­der­lan­de über ein dyna­mi­sches Fin­tech-Öko­sys­tem ver­fü­gen, war auf die­sem Blog bereits vor Jah­ren ein The­ma (Vgl. dazu: Die nie­der­län­di­sche Fin­Tech-Start­up-Sze­ne). Aber auch die Ban­ken sind aus­ge­spro­chen inno­va­tiv, wie in The ban­king inno­va­ti­on race is on and it’s gon­na be a mara­thon und Dutch Fin­tech Land­scape Per­spec­ti­ves on the trends per­me­a­ting the Dutch Fin­tech Eco­sys­tem berich­tet wird. 

Com­pared to Euro­pean com­pe­ti­tors, Dutch banks are among the lea­ders in har­mo­ni­s­ing IT plat­forms and lever­aging digi­tal ban­king fea­tures and sales chan­nels. At ABN Amro, alre­a­dy more than 70% of retail sales are clo­sed digi­tal­ly. The way Dutch banks achie­ve this is by inno­vat­ing the core busi­ness pro­po­si­ti­ons through in-house build sce­na­ri­os, stem­ming from agi­le ope­ra­ti­ons and labs, and expe­ri­men­ting with part­ner or invest sce­na­ri­os with exter­nal (fin)tech com­pa­nies. For exam­p­le, ING, ABN Amro, NIBC as well as Rabo­bank have seve­ral ongo­ing part­ner­ships with fintechs, and are not afraid to exit once they pro­ve unpro­duc­ti­ve. Bey­ond pro­vi­ding basic digi­tal lay­ers around the stan­dard ban­king pro­ducts, initi­al laun­ches of actu­al intel­li­gent ban­king ser­vices are for exam­p­le Peaks (Rabo­bank) or Grip (ABN Amro).

Wäh­rend die Ban­ken hier­zu­lan­de noch weit von einer gemein­sa­men Log­in- bzw. Digi­tal Iden­ti­ty-Lösung ent­fernt sind, haben die nie­der­län­di­schen Ban­ken bereits vor Jah­ren mit iDIN die­sen Schritt vollzogen.