Digi­tal Iden­ti­ty Manage­ment Plat­forms (DIMPs) hold con­sidera­ble pro­mi­se for orga­niza­ti­ons to digi­ta­li­ze pro­ces­ses and in so doing redu­ce cos­ts and increase effi­ci­en­cy. Howe­ver, while the­re is con­sidera­ble com­pu­ter sci­ence and prac­ti­tio­ner lite­ra­tu­re on DIMPs’ design and use, we know litt­le about how (and if) they live up to this pro­mi­se. We thus exami­ne the per­for­mance effects of Sweden’s BankID on adop­ting orga­niza­ti­ons, using data from 2012–2018 from BankID and the Swe­dish Com­pa­nies Regis­tra­ti­on Office. We under­stand BankID as a plat­form of plat­forms that con­fers bene­fits by making third-par­ty plat­forms inter­ope­ra­ble with the sta­te iden­ti­ty sys­tem and banks, but expect that bene­fits accrue only when a suf­fi­ci­ent­ly lar­ge num­ber of indi­vi­du­als and orga­niza­ti­ons adopt the plat­form (net­work effects). We find sup­port for the hypo­the­ses that orga­niza­ti­ons with more liquid assets and hig­her spen­ding on inno­va­ti­on were posi­tively affec­ted by adop­ting BankID, while orga­niza­ti­ons with more fixed assets were nega­tively affected.

Quel­le: Digi­tal Iden­ti­ty As A Plat­form Of Plat­forms:: Inves­ti­ga­ting Bankid’S Effect On Swe­dish Organizations