• Explains that Fin­Tech, IoT and other new tech­no­lo­gies can be appli­ed to crea­te busi­nesses that will be tru­ly accept­ed, not only as con­cepts, which are sim­ply exten­si­ons of exis­ting busi­nesses, but as dra­ma­tic breakthroughs.
  • Intro­du­ces examp­les of Fin­Tech or IoT ser­vices that crea­te new cre­dit for peo­p­le, not by the con­ve­ni­ence of pro­vi­ders of the pro­ducts or ser­vices, but by the con­ve­ni­ence of recipients.
  • Explains that the intellec­tu­al pro­cess nee­ded for social crea­ti­on is open inno­va­ti­on that is not limi­t­ed to sin­gle busi­nesses but tran­s­cends walls among industries.

Quel­le /​ Link: Crea­ting cre­dit by making use of mobi­li­ty with Fin­Tech and IoT