Getting your Trinity Audio player ready...

Von Ralf Keuper

Der Finanz­arm von Ali­baba, Ant Finan­cials, hat den Funk­ti­ons­um­fang sei­ner mobi­len Bezahl­lö­sung Ali­pay deut­lich erhöht, wie es in Ant Finan­cial laun­ches upgraded Ali­pay app to rival WeChat heisst.


The new app, dub­bed Ali­pay 9.0, com­bi­nes two for­mer inde­pen­dent brands Ali­pay and Ali­pay Wal­let, into one, to ser­ve as a one-stop finan­cial solu­ti­on allo­wing users to shop online, mana­ge their dai­ly finan­cial lives, as well as con­nect and pay for a wide varie­ty of local ser­vices with their smartphones.

Through the Mer­chants tab, one of the two pri­ma­ry tabs fea­tured in the Ali­pay app to replace the pre­vious “Ser­vice Win­dow,” users can learn the loca­ti­ons of near­by restau­rants, shops and amu­se­ment faci­li­ties, obtain e‑coupons and sett­le pay­ments at mer­chants’ e‑shops via Alipay.

In die­se bzw. in eine ähn­li­che Rich­tung wer­den sich auch Goog­le, Apple, Sam­sung und face­book bewe­gen. Mit der Ein­füh­rung des Buy-But­tons haben Goog­le und face­book bereits den ers­ten Schritt gemacht.

Wei­te­re Informationen:

Here’s an ana­ly­sis of Alipay’s aggres­si­ve moves to win for­eign markets

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