Getting your Trinity Audio player ready...
Von Ralf Keuper
Bislang galt die Blockchain aufgrund der geringen Zahl von Transaktionen, die über sie abgewickelt werden können, als ungeeignet für das Massengeschäft. Zwei aktuelle Meldungen lassen aufhorchen:
- Beam is bringing blockchain technology to retail mobile payments
- Liqueneq’s blockchain bank payments handle millions of transactions per second
Über Beam:
A global payments acceptance platform, Beam, is combining mobile phones and blockchain technology to provide a way of providing that ease-of-use and speed necessary for retail payments. And the company believes the time is right to introduce an alternate mobile payments solution. …
Beam’s technical network now operates in more than 400,000 stores globally with over 5,000 live stores on three continents. Beam has already processed over $250 million in payments for retailers such as Carrefour, Costa Coffee, Aldo, Tommy Hilfiger, and more.
Über Liquineq
Liquineq believes it can disrupt banking by safely and securely processing transactions within a matter of seconds, eliminating long delays in verifying money transfers. Specifically, Liquineq is a permissioned, multi-tier blockchain-based financial platform optimized to address the inefficiencies in the existing banking system. It uses different techniques and layers to address speed and security issues.