Getting your Trinity Audio player ready...

Von Ralf Keuper

Bis­lang galt die Block­chain auf­grund der gerin­gen Zahl von Trans­ak­tio­nen, die über sie abge­wi­ckelt wer­den kön­nen, als unge­eig­net für das Mas­sen­ge­schäft. Zwei aktu­el­le Mel­dun­gen las­sen aufhorchen:

Über Beam:

A glo­bal pay­ments accep­tance plat­form, Beam, is com­bi­ning mobi­le pho­nes and block­chain tech­no­lo­gy to pro­vi­de a way of pro­vi­ding that ease-of-use and speed neces­sa­ry for retail pay­ments. And the com­pa­ny belie­ves the time is right to intro­du­ce an alter­na­te mobi­le pay­ments solution. …

Beam’s tech­ni­cal net­work now ope­ra­tes in more than 400,000 stores glo­bal­ly with over 5,000 live stores on three con­ti­nents. Beam has alre­a­dy pro­ces­sed over $250 mil­li­on in pay­ments for retail­ers such as Car­re­four, Cos­ta Cof­fee, Aldo, Tom­my Hil­fi­ger, and more.

Über Liqui­neq

Liqui­neq belie­ves it can dis­rupt ban­king by safe­ly and secu­re­ly pro­ces­sing tran­sac­tions within a mat­ter of seconds, eli­mi­na­ting long delays in veri­fy­ing money trans­fers. Spe­ci­fi­cal­ly, Liqui­neq is a per­mis­sio­ned, mul­ti-tier block­chain-based finan­cial plat­form opti­mi­zed to address the inef­fi­ci­en­ci­es in the exis­ting ban­king sys­tem. It uses dif­fe­rent tech­ni­ques and lay­ers to address speed and secu­ri­ty issues.