Von Ralf Keuper

Regel­mä­ßig wird der US-Bun­des­staat Utah vom For­bes-Maga­zin zum “Best Place for Busi­ness” gewählt. Mit ver­ant­wort­lich für das gute Abschnei­den ist nach Ansicht der Juro­ren und Kom­men­ta­to­ren die dyna­mi­sche Ban­ken­sze­ne in Salt Lake City, der Haupt­stadt von Utah (Vgl. dazu: A City We Can Bank On).

Down­town Salt Lake is proud to be home to many banks and finan­cial insti­tu­ti­ons who pro­vi­de com­mer­cial and retail ban­king and len­ding ser­vices to the com­mu­ni­ty. Gold­man Sachs, Ame­ri­ca First Cre­dit Uni­on, Wells Far­go, Zions Bank and other orga­niza­ti­ons have their names on buil­dings or are anchor ten­ants in one.

Im Jahr 2016 eröff­ne­te Ame­ri­ca First Cre­dit Uni­on im Zen­trum der Stadt ein Inno­va­ti­on Center.:

Desi­gned to be part branch, part lear­ning work­shop and part tech play­ground, it’s a space whe­re Ame­ri­ca First mem­bers, along with the rest of the com­mu­ni­ty, can get hands-on access to sta­te-of-the-art tech­no­lo­gy and finan­cial sys­tems, learn about new tools and oppor­tu­ni­ties within the cre­dit uni­on and give real-time feed­back about what kind of expe­ri­ence they want to have with the cre­dit uni­on in the future.