We intro­du­ce a new mea­su­re to assess the valua­ti­on skills of invest­ment-gra­de cor­po­ra­te bond funds. Our mea­su­re reco­gni­zes funds that ex-ante hold a hig­her frac­tion of underva­lued bonds as having bet­ter valua­ti­on skills. The mea­su­re pre­dicts future fund per­for­mance, is sta­ble over time, and is unre­la­ted to other sources of skill. Fund inves­tors reco­gni­ze such skill by respon­ding more to the past per­for­mance of funds with bet­ter valua­ti­on skills. Con­sis­tent with the equi­li­bri­um model of Gâr­lea­nu and Peder­sen (2018), our evi­dence sug­gests that as gro­wing capi­tal gets allo­ca­ted to skil­led bond funds, the cor­po­ra­te bond mar­ket is beco­ming more efficient.

Quel­le /​ Link: On the Valua­ti­on Skills of Cor­po­ra­te Bond Mutu­al Funds