The world is going cont­act­less. As smart­phones spread and our eco­no­my goes digi­tal, upt­ake of cont­act­less pay­ments has acce­le­ra­ted – inclu­ding account-based mobi­le pay­ments made using Quick-Respon­se codes, or QR-codes for short. On 16 Febru­ary 2022, we laun­ched an eight-week public con­sul­ta­ti­on on a new draft docu­ment on the Stan­dar­di­s­a­ti­on of QR-codes for mobi­le initia­ted(instant) cre­dit trans­fers (MSCTs). Here, we explo­re the document’s gene­sis and its importance for the Euro­pean pay­ments land­scape at large. …

Quel­le /​ Link: Empowe­ring Euro­pean account-based pay­ments with stan­dar­di­sed QR-codes

Wei­te­re Informationen:

Stan­dar­di­s­a­ti­on and gover­nan­ce of QRcodes for Instant Pay­ments at the Point of Inter­ac­tion (IPs at the POI)