Mobi­le devices have achie­ved full mar­ket pene­tra­ti­on and rich ser­vice levels in most, if not all, EU Mem­ber Sta­tes, making the mobi­le chan­nel ide­al for lever­aging and pro­mo­ting the use of SEPA pay­ment instruments.

In 2017, the EPC faci­li­ta­ted the set­ting-up of a mul­ti-stake­hol­der group cove­ring the various sec­tors invol­ved in the mobi­le pay­ment eco­sys­tem. The group deve­lo­ped a new ver­si­on of the imple­men­ta­ti­on gui­de­lines for mobi­le cont­act­less card based pay­ments (MCPs) based on NFC-tech­no­lo­gy, cove­ring busi­ness, tech­ni­cal, secu­ri­ty and legal aspects, which was published in July 2018 (see [11]).

In recent years, non-NFC pro­xi­mi­ty tech­no­lo­gies (e.g. QR-codes, BLE) have been intro­du­ced in the mar­ket for various mobi­le pay­ment ser­vices to enhan­ce the con­su­mer expe­ri­ence and to bring addi­tio­nal func­tion­a­li­ty and ser­vices to the cus­to­mer (e.g. inte­gra­ti­on of pay­ment with loyal­ty) and to over­co­me the lack of acces­si­bi­li­ty to the NFC anten­na on some mobi­le ope­ra­ting systems.

Howe­ver, in com­pa­ri­son to MCPs, the Euro­pean mar­ket is curr­ent­ly much less matu­re with respect to the usa­ge of the­se non-NFC based tech­no­lo­gies for mobi­le pay­ments. Also stan­dar­di­s­a­ti­on efforts aiming at inter­ope­ra­bi­li­ty of the­se solu­ti­ons are in their ear­ly days.

In order to crea­te awa­re­ness on the­se mobi­le card pay­ment solu­ti­ons, the same mul­ti- stake­hol­der group (see Annex B), agreed to deve­lop a white paper to pro­vi­de a high level over­view of non-NFC based mobi­le card pro­xi­mi­ty pay­ments (MCPPs), uti­li­sing SEPA card pay­ments (as spe­ci­fied in the Cards Stan­dar­di­s­a­ti­on Volu­me – see [5]) are the under­ly­ing pay­ment instrument1. In view of the cur­rent mar­ket deploy­ments, the docu­ment has been rest­ric­ted to pro­xi­mi­ty pay­ments based on QR-codes and Blue­tooth- Low-Ener­gy (BLE) tech­no­lo­gies (see sec­tion 2.3). Note that alt­hough many QR-code solu­ti­ons for non-card based pay­ment instru­ments) alre­a­dy exist in the mar­ket today (such as SEPA Cre­dit Trans­fer, Direct Debit or e‑money based), they are out of scope of the cur­rent document. …