This the­sis uses the histo­ry of the Dis­con­to-Gesell­schaft to argue that the role of uni­ver­sal banks in fos­te­ring Ger­man indus­tria­liza­ti­on was less than has pre­vious­ly been assu­med. The archi­ve of the Dis­con­to-Gesell­schaft is not curr­ent­ly acces­si­ble, so the the­sis will use indus­tri­al archi­ves to exami­ne the bank’s rela­ti­ons with indus­tri­al companies.
After a dis­cus­sion of the lite­ra­tu­re, a sum­ma­ry of other Dis­con­to-Gesell­schaft ven­tures shows that the Dort­mun­der Uni­on was not an iso­la­ted disaster,but one among many. The the­sis dis­cus­ses the boom of 1867–1873 and. sug­gests it was engen­de­red by a spa­te of rail­way buil­ding which fed into hea­vy indus­try. The next sec­tion recounts how the col­lap­se of uni­ver­sal banks during finan­cial cri­ses led most count­ries out­side Ger­ma­ny to sepa­ra­te com­mer­cial from invest­ment ban­king eit­her by law or by custom.

Quel­le /​ Link: The Dis­con­to-Gesell­schaft and Ger­man Indus­tria­liza­ti­on; A Cri­ti­cal Exami­na­ti­on of the Care­er of a Ger­man Uni­ver­sal Bank, 1831–1914

Wei­te­re Informationen:

David Han­se­mann: Grün­der der Dis­con­to-Gesell­schaft – eines gänz­lich neu­en Banktyps